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Philip Auerswald is a professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government. His work is about entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation in a global context. He is most recently the author of The Code Economy: A Forty-Thousand-Year History (Oxford University Press, 2017), a book about how the advance of code has driven the development of human society over the span of millennia. He currently serves as the cochair and executive director of the Global Entrepreneurship Research Network, an initiative of the Kauffman Foundation. He is also the cofounder and coeditor of Innovations, a quarterly journal about entrepreneurial solutions to global challenges published by MIT Press. In June 2013, he led the launch of the National Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, an organization dedicated to using the National Mall in Washington, D.C., as a platform to celebrate and support entrepreneurship and innovation. He has blogged and written op-eds for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, the International Herald Tribune, and the San Francisco Chronicle; has been quoted in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, and Slate; and has been interviewed on CBS News Sunday, NPR, and Fox, among other outlets.
Prior to joining the faculty at George Mason University, Auerswald was a lecturer and assistant director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. His previous books include The Coming Prosperity: How Entrepreneurs Are Transforming the Global Economy (Oxford University Press, 2012); Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability (Cambridge University Press, 2006), and Taking Technical Risk: How Innovators, Executives, and Investors Manage High-Tech Risks (MIT Press: 2001). He was also the editor of Iraq: 1990-2006: A Diplomatic History Through Documents (Cambridge University Press, 2009) and other collections related to United States foreign policy.
Auerswald holds a PhD in economics from the University of Washington and a BA in political science from Yale University.
Curriculum Vitae
View Philip Auerswald's CV
4512 Windom Pl, NW
Washington, DC 20016
3351 Fairfax Dr., MS 3B1
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Email: auerswald@gmu.edu
Mobile: +1 202.378.6438
Tel (office): +1 703.993.3787
Twitter: @auerswald
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University
Senior Adviser, The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (Global Entrepreneurship Research Network)
Co-founder and co-editor, Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization, published by MIT Press
2011 (summer)
Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University
Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, George Mason University
Adjunct Lecturer, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Instructor, University of Washington, Department of Economics
Presidential Fellow, Office of the President, George Mason University
Senior Fellow, The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Director, Center for Science and Technology Policy, School of Public Policy, George Mason University
Associate, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
2002 -2003
Assistant Director, Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Program and Acting Director, Energy Technology Innovation Project (2003 only), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Ph.D., Economics, University of Washington
Thesis: “Organizational Learning, Intrafirm Externalities, and Industry Evolution”
B.A., Yale University, cum laude
Major: Political Science (Comparative Politics)
Authored Volumes
The Code Economy: A Forty-Thousand-Year History (2017). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Marc Andreessen, cofounder Netscape and Andreessen Horowitz: “Code is modern alchemy— transmuting thought into action, labor into capital. As computers saturate our world and code runs everywhere, this book offers a history of how we got here and a glimpse into our highly interesting future.”
The Coming Prosperity: How Entrepreneurs are Transforming the Global Economy (2012). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
The Wall Street Journal: “Auerswald...digs down to show the many ways in which progress depends on creativity, not to mention persistence and luck...a lively writing style, and the analysis is lightened with personal anecdotes and pop-culture references."
Taking Technical Risks: How Innovators, Executives and Investors Manage High-tech Risks, Lewis Branscomb and Philip Auerswald (2001). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Chinese edition published by CITIC Publishing House, Beijing PRC.)
Selected by Booz Allen Hamilton’s Strategy & Business as a “Top 25 Business Book for 2000-2001.”
Edited Volumes
Financing Entrepreneurship, Philip Auerswald and Ant Bozkaya, eds. (2008). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. In David Audretsch ed. series, The International Library of Entrepreneurship.
Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability, Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, and Todd La Porte (2006). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Documentary Compilations, Edited
Iraq 1990-2006: A Diplomatic History Through Documents (2009), Philip Auerswald ed., Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Clinton’s Foreign Policy: A Documentary Record, Philip Auerswald, Christian Duttweiler, and John Garofano eds. (2003). New York: Kluwer Law International.
The Kosovo Conflict: A Diplomatic History Through Documents, Philip Auerswald and David Auerswald eds., with a foreword by Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. (2000). Cambridge, MA: Kluwer Law International.
Journal Articles
“The Adaptive Lifecycle of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The Evolution of the U.S. National Capital Region’s Biotechnology Cluster,” Philip E. Auerswald and Lokesh Dani (2017, forthcoming), Small Business Economics.
“Integrating Technology and Institutional Change: Toward the Design and Deployment of 21st Century Property Rights Institutions,” Philip Auerswald and Jennifer Stefanotti (2012), Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization, 7(4), pp. 113-123.
“The Population Boon,” Philip Auerswald (2012). The American Interest, May/June, pp. 29-35.
“The Trend of History is Bigger than the Business Cycle,” Philip Auerswald (2012), World Financial Review, May/June.
“Creating a Place for the Future: Strategies for Entrepreneurship-Led Development in Pakistan,” Philip Auerswald, Elmira Bayrasli, and Sara Shroff (2012), Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization, 7(2), pp. 107-134.
“Entry and Schumpeterian Profits: How Technological Complexity Affects Industry Evolution,” Philip Auerswald (2010). Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20(4), pp. 553-582.
“Truly Grassroots: How Agricultural Entrepreneurs Can Lead a Haitian Renewal,” Regine Barjon, Philip Auerswald, Julia Novy-Hildesley and Adam Hasler (2010), Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization, 5(4), pp. 151-157.
“Defining Prosperity,” Philip Auerswald and Zoltan Acs (2009). The American Interest, May/June, pp. 4-13.
“Creating Social Value,” Philip Auerswald. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring (2009), pp. 51-55.
“Research and Innovation in a Networked World.” Philip Auerswald and Lewis Branscomb (2008). Technology in Society 30, pp 339-347.
“Placing Innovation: An Approach to Identifying Emergent Technological Activity.” Philip Auerswald and Rajendra Kulkarni (2008). Economics of Innovation and New Technology 17:7, pp. 733-750.
“Entrepreneurship in the Theory of the Firm,” Philip Auerswald (2008). Small Business Economics, 30:2, (February), pp. 111-126.
“Schumpeter’s Century” Philip Auerswald (2007). The American Interest, 2:8 (November/December), pp. 124-134.
“The Irrelevance of the Middle East,” Philip Auerswald (2007). The American Interest, 2:5 (May/June), pp. 19-37.
Selected by the Council on Foreign Relations as a “Must Read” article for 2007.
“The Myth of Energy Insecurity,” Philip Auerswald (2006). Issues in Science and Technology, 22:4, pp. 65-70.
“Introduction to the Inaugural Issue,” Philip Auerswald and Iqbal Quadir (2006). Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization, 1:1, pp. 3-7.
“Edwin Mansfield, Technological Complexity, and the ‘Golden Age’ of U.S. Corporate R&D,” Philip Auerswald and Lewis Branscomb (2005). Journal of Technology Transfer, 30:1/2, pp. 139-157.
“The Challenge of Protecting Critical Infrastructure,” Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Todd LaPorte, and Erwann Michel-Kerjan (2005). Issues in Science and Technology, 22:1, pp. 77-83.
“Valleys of Death and Darwinian Seas: Financing the Invention to Innovation Transition in the United States,” Philip Auerswald and Lewis Branscomb (2003). Journal of Technology Transfer, 28, pp. 227-239.
“The Production Recipes Approach to Modeling Technological Innovation: An Application to Learning-by- doing,” Philip Auerswald, Stuart Kauffman, José Lobo, and Karl Shell (2000). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24:3, pp. 389-450.
Book Chapters
“Economic Ecosystems,” Philip Auerswald and Lokesh Dani (2017, forthcoming), in Gordon L. Clark, Maryann P. Feldman, Meric S. Gertler, and Dariusz Wójcik (eds), The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
“Enabling Entrepreneurial Ecosystems,” Philip Auerswald (2015), in David Audretsch, Al Link, and Mary Walshok (eds), Oxford Handbook of Local Competitiveness, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
“Algorithms and the Changing Frontier,” Hezekiah Agwara, Philip Auerswald, Brian Higginbotham (2015), in Adam Jaffe and Benjamin Jones, The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
“Coping with Turbulence: The Resilience Imperative,” Philip Auerswald and Debra van Opstal (2009), Innovations: Special Edition for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 203-218.
“The Simple Economics of Technology Entrepreneurship: Market Failure Reconsidered,” Philip Auerswald (2007), in David B. Audretsch, Isabel Grilo and Roy Thurik eds., The Handbook of Entrepreneurship Policy, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
“Emerging Technologies for Change: Mobilizing Entrepreneurial Networks in Developing Countries,” Philip Auerswald (2007), in David Gibson, Manuel Heitor, and Alejandro Ibarra eds., Connecting People, Ideas and Resources Across Communities. Ashland, OH: Purdue University Press.
“Where Private Efficiency Meets Public Vulnerability: The Critical Infrastructure Challenge,” Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, and Todd La Porte (2006), in Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability, Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, and Todd La Porte (2006). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
“Complexity and Interdependence: The Unmanaged Challenge,” Philip Auerswald (2006), in Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability, Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, and Todd La Porte (2006). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
“Leadership: Who Will Act? Integrating Public and Private Interests to Make a Safer World,” Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, and Todd La Porte (2006), in Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability, Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Erwann Michel-Kerjan, and Todd La Porte (2006). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
“Edwin Mansfield, Technological Complexity, and the ‘Golden Age’ of U.S. Corporate R&D,” Philip Auerswald and Lewis Branscomb (2005), in Albert N. Link and F.M. Scherer eds., Essays in Honor of Edwin Mansfield: The Economics of R&D, Innovation, and Technological Change. New York: Springer-Verlag.
“Start-Ups and Spin-offs: The Role of the Entrepreneur in Technology-Based Innovation,” Philip Auerswald and Lewis Branscomb (2003), in David Hart ed., The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy: Governance, Start-Ups, and Growth in the Knowledge Economy. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
“Transitional Dynamics in a Model of Economic Geography,” Philip Auerswald and Jan Tai Tsung Kim (1995), in L. Nadel and D. Stein eds., 1993 Lectures in Complex Systems. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lecture Volume VI, Addison-Wesley.
“Growth Opportunities for the American Worker: Hottest Growth Industries by Decade 1890-2020,” Philip Auerswald (2013), Zurich Insurance North America, January.
“Creating a Place for the Future: Toward a New Development Approach for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,” Philip Auerswald, Elmira Bayrasli, and Sara Shroff (2010). Report to the Competitiveness Support Fund (a joint venture of the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Pakistan Ministry of Finance).
“Critical Infrastructure and Control Systems Security Curriculum,” Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Susan Shirk, Michael Kleeman, Todd La Porte, Ryan Ellis (2008), The Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (U.S. Department of Homeland Security), March.
“Placing Innovation: A Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Approach to Identifying Emergent Technological Activity,” Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Sean Gorman, Rajendra Kulkarni, and Laurie Schintler (2007). Report to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Advanced Technology Program/NIST GCR 06–902, May.
“Understanding Private-Sector Decision Making for Early-Stage Technology Development,” Philip E. Auerswald, Lewis M. Branscomb, Nicholas Demos, and Brian K. Min (2005). Report to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Advanced Technology Program/NIST GCR 02–841A, September.
“Between Invention and Innovation: Mapping the Funding for Early Stage Technology Development,” Lewis Branscomb and Philip E. Auerswald (2002). Report to the Advanced Technology Program/NIST #NIST GCR 02–841, November.
Working Papers
“Algorithms and the Changing Frontier,” Hezekiah Agwara, Philip Auerswald, Brian Higginbotham (2014), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper number 20039.
“Rail Transportation of Toxic Inhalation Hazards: Policy Responses to the Safety and Security Externality,” Lewis M. Branscomb, Mark Fagan, Philip Auerswald, Ryan N. Ellis, and Raphael Barcham (2010), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (Harvard Kennedy School) Discussion Paper 2010-01, February.
“Entrepreneurship, Opportunity, and Growth,” Philip Auerswald, presented at the OECD Kansas City Workshop on High-Growth SMEs, Innovation, and Intellectual Assets (Strategic Issues and Policies), May 8, 2008, Kansas City, Missouri.
“The Challenge of Protecting Critical Infrastructure,” Philip Auerswald, Lewis Branscomb, Todd LaPorte, and Erwann Michel-Kerjan (2005). Wharton Risk Management and Decision Process Center Working Paper # 05-11, October.
“Agricultural Technology 110, Quzhou, China,” Yang Xuedong and Philip Auerswald (2003). Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Innovations in Technology and Governance (ITG) Project Case Study.
“Valleys of Death and Darwinian Seas: Financing the Invention to Innovation Transition in the United States,” Philip Auerswald and Lewis Branscomb (2002), in Vicki Norberg-Bohm, ed., “The Role of Government in Energy Technology Innovation: Insights for Government Policy in the Energy Sector,” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Working Paper October.
“The Production Recipes Approach to Modeling Technological Innovation: An Application to Learning by Doing,” Philip Auerswald, Stuart Kauffman, José Lobo, and Karl Shell (1998). Cornell Center for Analytic Economics Working Paper 98-10.
“The Production Recipes Approach to Modeling Technological Innovation: An Application to Learning by Doing,” Philip Auerswald, Stuart Kauffman, José Lobo, and Karl Shell (1998). Santa Fe Institute Working Paper 98-11-100.
Op-ed and Commentary
“Creating a place for the future,” The Friday Times (Pakistan), May 6, 2011.
“A Fallen Giant Finding its Feet,” Straights Times (Singapore), August 14, 2008.
“China's Sudden Fall and Slow Recovery,” International Herald Tribune, August 12, 2008.
“China’s Quick Fall, Slow Return to Glory,” Boston Globe, August 11, 2008.
“A Declaration of Independence from Oil Fears,” San Francisco Chronicle, July 15, 2007. “Why the Middle East Matters Less and Less,” St. Petersburg Times, June 24, 2007.
“A Model to Eradicate False Gulf Between Doing Good and Doing Well,” (w/ Iqbal Quadir), The Financial Times (U.K.), January 26, 2007.
“Let’s Call an End to Oil Alarmism,” International Herald Tribune, January 23, 2007.
“Calling an End to Oil Alarmism,” Boston Globe, January 23, 2007.
Blog posts: HBR.org, Forbes.org, GOOD Magazine, Atlantic Cities, Growthology.org
Co-founder and co-editor, Innovations: Technology | Governance | Globalization, published by MIT Press
In eight years of publication, I have led the editorial team that has established Innovations as the premier academic journal on the topic of entrepreneurial solutions to global challenges.
The Innovations author list includes three former and one current head of state (including U.S. Presidents Carter and Clinton); a Nobel Laureate in Economics; founders and executive directors of some of the world’s leading companies, venture capital firms, and foundations; MacArthur Fellows, Skoll awardees, Ashoka Fellows; and, of course, outstanding academic contributors. While Foreign Affairs and the Harvard Business Review have a much higher circulation than Innovations, the authors they attract are no more impressive.
My Innovations colleagues and I have produced special editions of the journal in partnership with the World Economic Forum, the GSM Association, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Lemelson Foundation, Ashoka, the Skoll Foundation, MIT’s Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship, the Gates Foundation, and SOCAP.
Citation analysis indicates that the journal’s academic impact matches or exceeds that of recently launched competitors such as the Stanford Social Innovation Review as well as other journals in the market space of Innovations that have been in print for decades, notably Technology in Society and Daedalus. Users download over 60,000 full-text PDFs per year from the journal’s website.
Co-Founder and Editor from 1995-2005, Foreign Policy Bulletin, published until 2012 by Cambridge University Press.
Principal Investigator, “The Advance of the Algorithmic Frontier and the Evolution of Work: A Workshop to Explore Public Policy Implications,” The National Science Foundation. 5/1/2016-4/30/2017. $49,011.
Principal Investigator, “Support for Two Special Issues and Two Regular Issues of Innovations Journal and Innovations Online,” The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. 11/15/15-1/15/17. $99,100.
Principal Investigator, “Accelerating Youth Economic Opportunity Learning,” Citi Foundation. 2/1/2013- 1/31/2014. $250,000.
Principal Investigator, “Support for Two Special Issues and Two Regular Issues of Innovations Journal,” The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. 2/17/12-7/30/12. $160,000.
Principal Investigator, “A Study of Entrepreneurship and Markets,” the Competitiveness Support Fund (a joint venture of the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Pakistan Ministry of Finance). $20,000, 10/1/2010-1/31/2011
Principal Investigator, “Entrepreneurship and Social Prosperity: Increasing Public Awareness, Advancing Theory and Informing Practice,” The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. 8/29/2008-1/29/2010. $96,643.
Project Lead, “Innovations Journal Core Grant,” Lemelson Foundation. 1/1/2007-12/31/2010. $180K.
Principal Investigator (GMU subcontract), “The Phoenix Project Social Media,” Corporation for National and Community Service, 9/30/08-9/29/11. $89,100.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Control Systems and Critical Infrastructure Security Curriculum Project.” Idaho National Laboratories/ Department of Homeland Security, BAE/INL contract # 000054827. 7/11/2006– 1/31/2008: $32,500K.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Private efficiency, public vulnerability: Developing sustainable strategies for protecting critical infrastructure,” grant from the Critical Infrastructure Protection Program, School of Law, George Mason University (core funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute for Standards and Technology). 1/01/2004–06/31/2006: $159K.
Principal Investigator, “Understanding Regional Innovative Capacity,” U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute for Standards and Technology contract # SB1341-03-W-1235. 9/28/2004–3/28/2006: $99K.
2014, Jan
Invited to deliver testimony to the Small Business Committee of the United States House of Representatives on “The Power of Connection: Peer-to-Peer Businesses”
Designated as Senior Fellow, The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Invited by White House staff to offer external input to Presidential Study Directives no. 1 (Organizing for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism) and no. 7 (Global Development Policy)
Selected as one of three recipients of the 2007 (inaugural) Emerging Researcher, Scholar and Creator Award, granted by the George Mason University Provost to recognize achievement by “up and coming” faculty at the University.
Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship, Science, Technology and Public Policy Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
1997, summer
Awarded Thorne Fund (Cornell University) grant to support dissertation research
1993, summer 1994, February and July-August: Invited to be Research Visitor, Santa Fe Institute (SFI)
2016 May
Council on Foreign Relations Roundtable Series on Entrepreneurial Cities in a Globalized Economy, Washington, DC
2016 Feb
Plenary address, NCSU 2016 “Emerging Issues Forum: FutureWork,” Raleigh, NC.
2015 May
Panelist, “National Security Implications of New Oil and Gas Production Technologies,” Cato Institute, Washington, DC
2015 Mar
Speaker at Global Entrepreneurship Congress (annual meeting of the Global Entrepreneurship Research Network), Milan, Italy
2015 Feb
Tufts Innovation Symposium, Medford, MA
2014 Apr
Panelist, “Emerging Markets Forum,” University of Maryland. April 24, 2015, Washington, DC
2014 Sep
Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) Conference, Glen Cove, NY
2014 Apr
Tulane University symposium on “Social Innovation as a Field of Inquiry,” New Orleans, LA
2014 Apr
World Affairs Council of Palm Beach, Delray Beach, FL
2014 Mar
Global Entrepreneurship Congress, Moscow, Russia
2013, Oct
“Natural History of the Corporation,” Santa Fe Institute, London, UK
2013, Aug
“Getting Inside the Black Box: Technological Evolution and Economic Growth,” Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM
2103 Aug
“The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy,” National Bureau of Economic Research conference, Chicago, IL
2013 Apr
“Global Health and Innovation Conference,” Yale University, New Haven, CT
2013 Feb
Social Media Week, New York, NY
2013 Jan
Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA
2012 Dec
STIMA 2013, Ghent, Belgium
2012 Sep
U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC
2012 Sep
Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) Conference, Glen Cove, NY
2012 Aug
Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, DC
2012 Jul
Global Innovation Summit, San Jose, CA
2012 May
IBM Almaden Research Center, Almaden, CA
2012 Apr
Artisphere, Arlington, VA
2012 Apr
Town Hall Seattle, Seattle, WA
2012 Mar
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, KS
2012 Mar
Legatum Institute, London, UK
2012 Feb
Global Entrepreneurship Congress, Liverpool, UK
2011, Nov
Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs of North America (OPEN) Annual Forum, Chantilly, Virginia
2011 Nov
“Unleashing IdEA,” Inter-American Development Bank /State Department, Washington, DC
2011 Oct
Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC
2011 Oct
Center for American Progress, Washington, DC
2011 Jul
“International Conference on Framework for Economic Growth Pakistan,” Islamabad, Pakistan
2011 Apr
“Ignite Smithsonian,” Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
2011 Mar
Center for Global Development, Washington DC
2011 Feb
TEDxAshokaU, Duke University, Durham, NC
2010 May
University of Akron, Akron, OH
2010 Feb
Tech4Society 2010, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India
2009 Mar
Ashoka University Network Meeting, Skoll World Forum, Said School of Business, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K.
2009 Mar
“What Industry Wants from Universities: A Kauffman Foundation Seminar,” University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA
2009 Feb
International Invited Speaker Series, University of Lyon 3, Lyon, France
2008 Jul
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Joint Leadership Development Program, SAIC, Fairfax, VA
2008 May
“The OECD Kansas City Workshop on High-Growth SMEs, Innovation, and Intellectual Assets: Strategic Issues and Policies,” Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, Missouri
2008 Mar
“ICAF Reconstruction & Vital Infrastructure Industry Study: Critical Infrastructure Panel,” National Defense University, Washington, DC
2007 Oct
Third Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research Conference, “Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Public Policy,” Washington DC
2007 Jul
“Skoll Social Entrepreneurship Colloquium,” Said School of Business, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K.
2006 Nov
Haniel-Research Seminar on "Marketing and Innovation Management," Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
2006 Oct
Strategic Research Institute Conference on “Infrastructure Investing: A Growing Asset Class,” New York, NY
2006 Sep
National Science Foundation, Colloquium on “Critical Infrastructures and Disaster-Resilient Communities,” Arlington, VA.
2006 Sep
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, seminar series, Washington, DC. 2006 Sep School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, NY.
2006 Sep
Critical Infrastructure Roundtable of the National Academies, Symposium on “Critical Infrastructures and Disaster-Resilient Communities,” Washington, DC.
2006 Jun
Swiss Re's Centre for Global Dialogue, workshop on “Risky Business? Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy,” Rüschlikon, Switzerland.
2006 May
The Wharton School, workshop on “Interdependent Security (IDS): Theory and Practice,” University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
2006 Apr
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, seminar series on “Innovation Policy,” Washington, DC.
2006 Apr
Department of Agricultural, Food & Resource Economics, seminar series, New Brunswick, NJ.
2005 Dec
Ecole des Mines, “Public Policies for Research-Based Spin-offs,” Paris, France
2005 Oct
Macroeconomics Seminar Series, Department of Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
2005 Jul
School of Public Policy and Management, graduate seminar, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2004 May
National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Department of Defense Basic Research, Washington, DC
2004 Jan
Association National de Recherche Technique (ANRT) conference on “Linking Research and Innovation,” Paris, France
2003 May
Conference on the “Evaluation of Government Funded R&D Activities,” Vienna, Austria
2003 Mar
French Ministry of Industry and U.S. National Academies conference on “Sustaining Innovation and Growth: Public Policy Support for Research and Development in France and the United States,” Paris, France
2002 Mar
Conference Board, International Council on Management of Innovation and Technology, Richmond, VA
2001 Dec
National Academy of Sciences, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP), “Entrepreneurship Policy for the Future: Lessons from the United States and Sweden,” Stockholm, Sweden
2001 Nov
Technology Transfer Society and National Institute on Disability & Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), “State of Science in Technology Transfer,” Crystal City, VA
2001 Jun
National Science Foundation, “Partnerships: Building a New Foundation for Innovation,” Arlington, VA
2001 Apr
Center for International Development, Harvard University, “Global Governance of Technology: Meeting the Needs of Developing Countries,” Cambridge, MA
Selected by the President to serve as Presidential Fellow, tasked with developing external partnerships for the University
Selected by the Provost to serve on the University-wide search committee for the position of the Vice President for Global Strategies
Served as the founding senior scholar at the Center for Social Entrepreneurship
Selected by the Provost to serve on the organizing committee for the Mason Forum on the Future of Higher Education held November 2-3, 2012
Served as the faculty lead for George Mason University team selected to participate as one of four Ashoka Changemaker Campuses during the AshokaU pilot year, 2008-2009
Founder, The Policy Design Lab
Founding Board Chair, The National Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Adviser, Millennial Trains Project
Board member, Invest2Innovate (I2I)
Board member, Potential Energy (formerly Darfur Stoves)
Reviewer for National Science Foundation program on Human and Social Dynamics
Member of Research Team, National Research Council’s Board on Science, Technology, and Economics Policy (STEP) review of the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
Constituent Reviewer, National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Summative Program Review, Rockville, MD
Reviewer for National Research Council’s Board on Science, Technology, and Economics Policy (STEP) report on “Government-Industry Partnerships for the Development of New Technologies: Summary Report”
Reviewer for National Research Council’s Board on Science, Technology, and Economics Policy (STEP) report on “Government-Industry Partnerships in Biotechnology and Information Technologies: New Needs and Opportunities”
Participant in Senate Committee on Small Business Forum on “Encouraging and Expanding Entrepreneurship: Examining the Federal Role,” Washington, DC
Referee for The Annals of Regional Science, Cambridge University Press (books), Complexity, Ecological Economics, Environment and Planning B, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Technology Transfer, Management Science, MIT Press (books), Oxford University Press (books), Research Policy, Security Studies, and Small Business Economics.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (“Case Studies in Development Progress”)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Economic Development, and University of Massachusetts, Donahue Institute (contributed research and working papers in support of statewide economic policy planning, resulting in publication of “Toward a New Prosperity: Building Regional Competitiveness Across the Commonwealth”)
National Academy of Sciences, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (member of research team for Congressionally-mandated review of the Small Business Innovation Research Program; led effort to compile Department of Energy agency report)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (Advanced Technology Program)
Analytic Methods for Research on Science, Technology, and Innovation (doctoral seminar) Innovation Policy in the 21st Century: Technology, Governance, and Globalization
Managerial Economics and Policy Analysis
Policy Analysis for Practitioners
Social Entrepreneurship
French - fluent
Spanish - intermediate written and spoken
Chinese (Putonghua) - beginner spoken
Areas of Research
- Economic Development
- Economic Policy
- Energy Policy
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Industrial Organization
- International Development
- Microeconomics
- Regional Development
- Science and Technology Policy